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South Grove Primary School

2DM Assembly all about the Great Fire of London

Wow 2DM! We all felt very hot and bothered by the time the assembly finished having watched all those flames and dramatic stories from the children!  It was a wonderful assembly packed with facts around the Fire of London, Pudding Lane in 1666.

The children really did bring the historic event alive with their convincing re-enactment of the events of that night…. We even met Thomas Farriner, the poor baker whose bakery started the fire. The children emulated Samuel Peyps diary entries and they were amazing with very clear descriptions. Christopher Wren was the hero of the time, rebuilding London including the stunning St Pauls Cathedral.     

The children shared their dance lessons creating a dance where water eventually dampened the flames of the fire and the children’s colour walk identifying colours in the environment helped them with their attention to detail of their amazingly detailed charcoal and pastel drawings of the Fire of London.

The quiz made us all nervous but the multiple choice questions really helped, much to all of our relief!

The song about the Fire of London was very heartfelt and brilliantly done using Makaton.

Well done Miss MacFarlane and all the support staff. It was clear that much work and effort went into the assembly. Well done 2DM.

Parents were very proud:

A fantastic assembly, we thoroughly enjoyed it.  Very creative, informative and entertaining.  WELL DONE!!!

As ever, brilliant work from kids and teachers.  Thank you!

It was flaming brilliant! A great show – well done everyone.